SIS Finance “For Professionals, By Professionals”.
SIS Finance advises and supports organizations in the field of management and finance.
It is about creating solutions in order to help management to achieve their goals. SIS Finance works with a wide range of professionals, from highly qualified interim managers and consultants with over 15 years of experience, to qualified finance professionals with at least three years of experience.
SIS Finance is relatively straightforward in its solutions. We are more concerned, for example, about the actual realization of a fast close period than the writing of a report on fast close procedures.
SIS Finance endeavors to maintain sustainable relationships with its clients and its professionals. We do not aim for instant success or a quick win, although we do strive to be successful in our profession.
Our professionals are devoted to their profession. They have proven that they are skilled professionals and that they understand the business. We encourage and support professionals to continually advance their own personal development.
The Partners of SIS Finance are professionals themselves and are well known within the profession of financial interim management or consultancy.